Bolesno Grinje

(2014) Chronicles from the Tomb
01. Tragovi na duši (traces on the soul)
02. Grobnica (the tomb)
03. Addicted to grind
04. Hrana kao oružje (food as guns)
05. Bogato govno (rich shit)
06. Natrag na dno (back to the bottom)
07. Povratak otpisanih (return of the rejects)
08. Eutanazija2009 (euthanasia2009)
09. Demodex
10. Z.L.O. (E.V.I.L.)
11. Blindman
12. Dijete kaosa (child of chaos)
13. Propast sistema (system downfall)
14. Uskršnji infarkt party (easter heart-attack party)
15. Povratak otpisanih pt.2 (return of the rejects pt.2)
16. Eurob (euslave)
01. Tragovi na duši (traces on the soul)
Glasine u zraku, nikad se ne predaj. Noge ukopane, strpljivo čekaju, ruke u gardu. Napeto čekam svoju sljedeću borbu. Prepun ožiljaka, bezbroj rana, ničeg se ne bojim, nosim previše vaših tragova ali još čvrsto stojim. Njihove skrivene mašine melju nam dušu, ostavljajući svoje trajne tragove.
Tragovi na duši
Rumors in the air, never surrender. Feet dug in, waiting patiently, hands in guard. Tensely waiting for my next fight. Fully scarred, countless wounds, I'm not afraid of anything, I carry too much of your traces but still I'm firmly standing. Their hidden machines are grinding our soul, leaving their permanent traces.
Traces on the soul
02. Grobnica (the tomb)
Da li ćemo preživjeti ili ćemo izumrijeti? Do kada će trajati ovo sranje, kada će iz nas izaći ova bol. Zatvoreni u grobnici bez svježeg zraka, ne prihvaćamo ništa, vi ne prihvaćate nas.
Ko vas jebe! Nova muzika, nove droge, mi ne shvaćamo ništa. Mi i dalje pičimo po starom, kako da iz nas izbacimo ovu zvijer. Zatvoreni u grobnici bez svježeg zraka, ne prihvaćamo ništa, vi ne prihvaćate nas. Ko vas jebe!
Are we going to survive or we'll become extinct? Until when this bullshit is going to last, when this pain will come out of us?
Closed in a tomb without a fresh air, we don't accept anything, you don't accept us. Who gives a fuck about you!!!
New music, new drugs, we don't understand anything. We're still doing it oldschool, how to throw this beast out of us. Closed in a tomb without a fresh air, we don't accept anything, you don't accept us. Who gives a fuck about you!!!
03. Addicted to grind
Fast, faster, fastest
Give me hyper-speed
Give me a bucket of sweat
That's all I really need
Give me wall of sound
Give me thousands screams
Smash my mind
I'm addicted to the grind
I - addicted to grind!
Give me more power
Give me more screams
04. Hrana kao oružje (food as guns)
Nečemo više uzgajati hranu, od svega čemo raditi gorivo, bio gorivo, bio vrećice. Novo doba opet dolazi, na račun ekologije se zgrče lova, lova je moć. Serviraj ekologiju, napravi dobru reklamu, uvijeri ljude i uzmi im lovu. Mijenjamo taktiku, hrana kao oružje, zagadimo hranu, pokažimo moć. Hrana kao oružje!
We will no longer grow any food, we'll do fuel from everything, biofuel, biobags. New age comes again, at the expense of ecology you are making money, money is power. Serve ecology, make a good advertisement, convince people and take their money. We are changing tactics, food as guns, contaminate food, lets show the power.
Food as guns
05. Bogato govno (rich shit)
Bahato, razmaženo, uobraženo govno. To je razlika između siromašnog i bogatog. Bahato, razmaženo, uobraženo govno. Riga mi se od ove gamadi, pričaju o patnjama koje nisu iskusili. Iza cijele glume krije se praznina koju može napuniti samo droga i alkohol. Školovani a Rome zovu cigani, zagađuju zemlju svojim prisutstvom. Moramo se hitno njih riješiti, pravda se mora zadovoljiti sad.
Arrogant, spoiled, pretentious piece of shit. That's the difference among poor and rich. Arrogant, spoiled, pretentious piece of shit. These rich pests are making me sick, stories about the suffering that they have not experienced. Behind the whole drama a void is hiding, which can be filled only by drugs and alcohol. Educated but they call romanian gypsies, they pollute the earth with their presence. We need them out of here urgently, justice must be satisfied, now.
06. Natrag na dno (back to the bottom)
Curi mi slina za gramom heroina, prodao bi se svima za lajnu
kokaina. Pluča mi plaču za dozom nikotina, prodajem za cugu,
ženu i sina. Natrag na dno!
I'm drooling for a gram of heroin, will sell myself to anybody for
line of cocaine. My lungs are crying for a dose of nicotine , for a
bottle of booze will sell my wife and son. Back to the bottom!
07. Povratak otpisanih (return of the rejects)
Melje, kolje, tlači, davi, laže, krade i siluje. Ovo današnje društvo pretvara te u životinju. Reže, dere, vara, boli, želi da te otruje. Ovo današnje društvo ne prepoznajem. Povratak otpisanih!
Grinds, slaughter, oppresses, strangles, lies, steals and rape. This today's society turns you into an animal. Cutts, tears, cheats, suffers, hurts and wants to poison you. This today's society I do not recognize.
Return of the rejects!
08. Eutanazija2009 (euthanasia2009)
Kvragu šta se događa, propade nam država. Kraljica recesija najavljuje doba majmuna. Budite spremni ljudi, dali ste još
gladni? Nestao sam, nema me, manji sam od čestice. Letim na krilima bijede koju ste stvorili. Savršeno upakirali, konzervirali jer dobri potezi se povlače samo pred izbore. Pizde! Čuje se iz
zadnjeg reda. Pizde! Odjednom svi u glas! Pizde! Slomljen duh, slomljen dom, gladno lice, silan znoj. Nikad neće biti po tvom
jer veća je riječ "njihovom" tu nema stida, nema srama, sve
nama, sve nama. I tako do tvoje smrti, jedi govna i umri ... ima li
tu nade? Debeli prasci griju svoje fotelje, narod ima rješenje za debele prasce. Brza blaga i bezbolna smrt. Eutanazija!
What the hell is going on, ruined our state. Queen recession announces the era of the Apes. Be prepared people, are you
still hungry? I disappeared, I'm not here I'm smaller than the
particles. I'm flying on the wings of misery that you created,
perfectly packed, conserved because good moves are to be
withdraw just before the election. Bitches! Shouting from the
back row. Bitches! Shouting all at once! Bitches!!! Broken spirit,
a broken home, hungry face, intense sweat. Will never be in
your way because the larger the word "their". There is no
shame, no shame, all for us, all for us and so until your death,
eat shit and die ... Is there any hope? Fat pigs heat their
armchairs, people have a solution for fat piglets, fast, mild and painless death. Euthanasia!
09. Demodex
Pogledaj 13 grinja na cm2 kože! Gmižem tvojim, licem tvojim, samo tvojim i samo mojim, samo tvojim, ja se gojim. U tvojoj koži, ja se množim, sve se množi, na tvojem licu kosti svoje ja taložim. Ja sam tvoj mali debeli crv, volim da te jedem dok si u dubokom snu. Ja sam tvoj partner, doživotni drug. Nikad neću te ostaviti, zauvijek sam tu.
Look at 13 mites on a square centimeter of your skin. I'm crawling on your, your face, yours only, and only mine, only yours, I'm getting fat. In your skin, I can multiply, everything is multiplied, on your face my bones are settled down. I'm your little fat worm, I love to eat you while you're in deep sleep. I'm your partner, lifelong companion, I'll never leave you, I'm here forever.
10. Z.L.O. (E.V.I.L.)
Možemo vas duhovno prosvijetliti, vi nas prosvijetlite financijski a ako su vam misli krive uzmite antidepresive. Možemo vas duhovno ispuniti, vi nas ispunite financijski. Dotaknite onog tko ne postoji a na izlazu pop pare broji. Strah veže ruke, strah koči pamet, strah ledi kosti, strah stvara stres, crkva voli strah, crkva voli novac, crkva voli raskoš, crkva je Z.L.O.
We can give you spiritual enlightenment, you enlighten us financially and if your thoughts are wrong take antidepressants. We can fulfill you spiritually, you fulfill us financially. Touch the one who does not exist and at the exit priest is counting money. Fear ties hands, fear hinders wit, fear freezes bones, fear creates stress, church likes fear, the church loves money, church likes luxury, the church is E.V.I.L.
11. Blindman
Jutro je gadno tmurno, nikako da se probudim. Ispijajući kavu listam novine i mislim da ludim. Jako malim slovima na osmrtnici je pisalo da jučer je pokopano 6 milijardi ljudi. Pišu da smo krivi sami, da smo živjeli na auto-pilotu. Da smo jedni drugima sjenke za gaženje ispunjavajući dnevnu kvotu. Pišu da je drobilica ljudi savršeno uštiman stroj, samo se čeka da još sunce eksplodira i da svi potonemo na dno. Man is a blindman.
Morning was nasty gloomy, never to wake up. Leafing through the newspaper while drinking coffee and I think I'm going crazy.
With a very small letters on the obituary was written that yesterday was buried 6 billion people. They write that is all our fault, that we lived on auto-pilot. We are only treading shadows to each other's fulfilling the daily quota. They write that the humancrusher is perfectly tuned machine, we are just waiting for sun to explode, and we all sinks to the bottom. Man is a blindman.
12. Dijete kaosa (child of chaos)
Dosta mi je glumaca koji glume da je njihov život idealan
Dosta mi je parada, parada savršenstva bez mana.
Ja rođen sam u kaosu, ja umrijeti ću u kaosu
Kaos je moj ž mene kaos ima smisla
I'm sick of actors who are acting that their life is so ideal
I'm sick of this show, show of perfection without flaws.
I was born in chaos, I will die in chaos
Chaos is my life...for me the chaos make sense
13. Propast sistema (system downfall)
Zapošljavanje preko veza, jebem ti fakultet. Zaposlili bi me kao šljakera, da ne plaćaju extra poreze. Sve je preko veza, namješteno je sve. Koji kurac ja radim ovdje, ne vjerujem više nikome. Nema ljudi samo govna, propast sistema. Po ljeti zabrana godišnjeg, prekovremeni sati se ne plaćaju.
Glavno da gazda vozi poršea i da se kurvice na jahti sunčaju.
Plaću dobijam na ruke, šef financira starlete. Rađe ću sebi
odrezati kitu nego robovati bogatom klincu. Nema ljudi samo govna, propast sistema.
Employment over the connection, fuck college. Will hire me as a workhorse, so they don't pay extra taxes. Everything is over the connection, everything is set, what the hell am I doing here, I don't believe in anybody . No people just shit, system downfall. In the summer vacations are banned, overtime is not paid. The most important is that boss drive Porsche and the sluts are
sunbathing on a yacht. I get my salary to the hands, boss is
financing starlets, I'd rather cut my dick off than be a slave to a
rich kid. No people just shit, system downfall.
14. Uskršnji infarkt party (easter heart-attack party)
Vjernici, nevjernici ajmo svi zajedno ofarbat si jaja i obrijati
si šupak. Stigao je uskrs ajmo klati janjce, neka krv teče u
potocima. Isus je uskrsnuo i sada neko mora umrijeti. Neka
krv i rakija teče u potocima, uskrs je, ja želim krv.
Uskršnji infarkt party!
Believers, unbelievers let's all together paint our balls and
shave our assholes. Easter is here let's slaughter lambs,
let the blood flows in streams. Jesus was resurrected and
now someone has to die. Let the blood and spirits flow in
streams, Easter is here, I want blood.
Easter heart attack party!
15. Povratak otpisanih pt.2 (return of the rejects pt.2)
Ovo današnje društvo pretvara te u životinju, nemilosrdno trgaš glave golim rukama. Jebo bi smrt za lovu, jebo bi i leševe, više te ni majka ne prepoznaje. Melje, kolje, tlači, davi, laže, krade i siluje. Reže, dere, vara, boli, želi da te otruje. Povratak!
This today's society turns you into an animal, you are cruelly tearing their heads off with your bare hands. You would fuck the death for money, you would fuck even corpses, even your mother can't recognize you anymore. Grinds, slaughter, oppresses, strangles, lies, steals and rapecutts. Tears,
cheats, suffers, hurts, wants to poison you.
The return!
16. Eurob (euslave)
Apatija širom otvara vrata, osjeća se miris, miris
siromaštva. Veliki zastor prekriva sve tamom, ispruži
ruku da dobiješ govno .Počinje igra blještavih figura
pod kontrolom megalomanskog stroja. Smjena na
tronu, pomolimo se, jer pravi igrači tek dolaze.
Centar pljačka periferiju, periferija voli kleptokraciju,
cirkus po najgorem scenariju. Naivni i slijepi možda
sve shvatimo dok kopamo svoj vlastiti grob. Smjena
na tronu, pomolimo se, jer pravi igrači tek dolaze.
Apathy widely opens the doors, there is a certain
smell, the smell of poverty. Large curtain covers
all in darkness, hold out your hand to get the shit.
Shiny figures start the game controlled by
megalomaniac machine. Shift on the throne, let
us pray because real players are yet to come.
Center is robbing periphery, periphery like
cleptocracy, circus by worst-case scenario, naive
and blind maybe we realize everything while
digging our own grave. Shift on the throne, let us
pray because real players are yet to come.