# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (svi)

Bolesno Grinje

(2016) GRD
01. Rstrgn
02. Ne vjerujem nikome
03. Autobiografija propasti
04. Genijalci
05. Asimilacija
06. Abortus ss
07. Reakcija
08. Vratite mi mozak
09. Kurve establišmenta
10. Pseudo-grobar
11. Umjetnost je goli kurac
12. Dodimi mi ruku

01. Rstrgn

Zvijer je pozvana
Prkos nema snage
Nemoć na mukama
Krik izumire
Pijesak u ustima
Rastapa se bol

Vučja koža
Bez osjećaja kajanja
Slomljena lubanja
naopako izvrnuta

U glavi vizije

Rastrgan, rastrgan
Riječi i dalje bole
Mrtav i pokopan
Ne prepoznajem bol
Tko se boji mraka?
Dali je to kraj?


Torn Apart

The Beast has been summoned
Defiance has no strength
Weakness on hard times
The scream is dying
Sand in my mouth
Dissolving pain

Wolf's skin
with no remorse
Broken skull
turned upside down

Visions of apocalypse
in my head

Torn apart, torn apart
Words still hurt
Dead and buried
I don't recognize pain
Who's afraid of the dark?
Is this the end?

02. Ne vjerujem nikome

Sve što mi se govori sumnjičavo slušam
Glumim da sve vjerujem a ono kurac!
Ne vjerujem ništa, život je kompliciran
I bez loših definicija

Ne vjerujem nikome, ne vjerujem ništa!

Svako fura svoju spiku, svi veličaju sebe
Hvala na cugi, hvala na spici, ko vas jebe
Morat' ću na netu odgovore naći
pobit' ću teoriju

Ne vjerujem nikome, ne vjerujem ništa!


Don't Trust No One

Everything I'm told, I listen to suspiciously
I pretend to believe everything but fuck no!
I don't trust anything, life is complicated
even without poor definitions

I don't trust no one,
I don't believe anything!

Everyone is ingrained in their own way,
everyone is the best in their own eyes
Thanks for the booze, thanks for the talk, fuck you
I'll have to find the answers on the internet
I'll deny the theory

I don't trust no one,
I don't believe anything!

03. Autobiografija propasti

Napokon možeš da odmoriš
ostao si bez centa u ludilu
koje je trajalo godinama

Razne cure si dovodio, ova zadnja je malo previše
Mislim da je vrijeme za rehabilitaciju

Zadnju drolju iz kanala
doveo si staroj doma
nije mogla vjerovati

Danas u riflama iz 60-tih, kuhaš u loncu dijelove svinje
Papci iz lonca mašu ti, kao da ti nešto govore
Ja sam živo biće kao i ti, ja sam nekad bila sretna kao ti
A sada ti češ me pojest, nema budučnosti za nas dvoje


Autobiography of Failure

You can finally rest
You're left without a cent in a madness
That lasted for years

You brought home all kinds of girls,
but the last one is a bit too much
I think it's time for rehab

A slut from the gutter
you brought home to mother
She could not believe it

Today in jeans from the 60s,
boiling parts of a pig in a pot
The pig's feet are waving at you from the pot,
like they're trying to tell you something
I am alive like you, I once was happy as you
And now you're gonna eat me,
There's no future for the two of us

04. Genijalci

Ceste su pune ljudi, pričaju sami sa sobom
Ponekad se nasmiju ali ne čuje se glas
Njihov pogled prolazi kroz mene
Ne vide me, ne vide nikoga

Stomak od Čobankovića, broš od Jadranke?
Namještena radne mjesta, potplačeni suci?
Kurve, droga, alkohol, šta?
Šta je sjebalo sve te ljude???

Samo osmijeh i cigara u ustima
Genijalci su prolupali
Šta ih je to uništilo?
Hrana koju jedemo?
Svijet u kojem živimo?



The streets are crowded with people, talking to themselves
They sometimes smile but you can't hear a sound
Their gaze is passing through me
They don't see me, they don't see anyone

The belly of Čobanković, the brooch of Jadranka?
Set up working places, bribed judges?
Whores, drugs, alcohol, what?
What fucked up all this people?

Just a smile and a cigar in the mouth
The geniuses have gone insane
What destroyed them?
The food we eat?
The world we live in?

05. Asimilacija

Na granici sam depresije i ludila
Dali si ti koji me ubijaš?
To nisi ti, to nisi ti
Mene život ubija

Poslije sloma ničega nema
Na rubu ponora vrištiš sam
Krv šprica iz očiju
Guliš si kožu, lomiš si kosti

Asimilacija civilizaciji je nemoguća

Moram početi skupljati lovu
Lagano mi otkazuje mozak
Ne želim opteretiti obitelj
Taj pogreb je jebeni trošak



I'm on the verge of depression and madness
Are you that's killing me?
It's not you, it's not you
Life is killing me

After the breakdown there's nothing
On the edge of the abyss you're screaming alone
Blood's gushing from your eyes
You're skinning yourself, you're breaking your bones

The assimilation with civilization is impossible

I must start saving money
my brain is quitting on me
I don't wanna burden the family
The funeral is a fucking expense

06. Abortus ss

Cugeri su nas napravili, to je naša stvarnost
Bili su pijani kad su nas začeli
Neki tvrde da smo rođeni iz ljubavi
Ja mislim da su se starci jebali

Abortus SS
Sakrimo sramotu

Čovjek je glup ali moramo mu oprostiti
Nema mu pomoći, uzalud vam trud
Izvadi mu rakije, natoči mu vina
Gledaj kako se pretvara u životinju

Nitko nije savjestan kada jebe pijan
Rezultat je brdo debila
Nitko djevojci ne nosi cvijeće
Dok mu krvlju sperma ne poteće

Abortus SS
Sakrimo sramotu


Abortion SS

Alcoholics made us, that's our reality
They were drunk when they bred
Some say we were born from love
I think our parents just fucked

Abortion SS
Hide the shame

Man is stupid but we must forgive him
There's no help, pity the effort
Get him some schnapps, pour him some wine
Watch him turn into an animal

No one is diligent while fucking drunk
The result is a bunch of idiots
Nobody gets flowers for his girlfriend
Until blood runs through his sperm

Abortion SS
Hide the shame

07. Reakcija

Sjebo me život, jebo sam mater svima
Murija me polomila sa palicama
Ležim na krevetu, vezan lancima, izdrogiran
doktori me sjebali sa lijekovima
Oslobodite me kretenčine
Nisam pijan, nisam drogiran
Oslobodite me kretenčine
Ja sam reakcija na vaša sranja

Ja sam reakcija na vaša sranja
Ja sam projekcija ovog smrdljivog grada

Uhvatili me golog kako vrištim na cesti
Okružen sa pijancima i luđacima
Krvave glave, jebem svima mater
Vičem da dolazi revolucija

Ja sam reakcija na vaša sranja
Ja sam projekcija ovog smrdljivog grada



Life fucked me, fuck everyone
The pigs broke me with their clubs
I'm laying on the bed, chained, drugged up
the doctors fucked me with the medicine
Free me, you assholes
I'm not drunk, I'm not on drugs
Free me, you assholes
I am the reaction to your bullshit

I am the reaction to your bullshit
I am a projection of this stinking town

They caught me naked, screaming on the street
Surrounded by drunks and madmen
With a bloody head, fuck everyone
I scream for revolution

I am the reaction to your bullshit
I am a projection of this stinking town

08. Vratite mi mozak

Imam nešto hitno za obavit'
Moram si sredit' stvari u glavi
Ranjavan sam previše puta
Moram si sredit' rupe u glavi

Mozak će mi iscurit' na cestu
Ostat' će tijelo koje samo luta
U đepu žice od gitare
Tijelo leži nasred puta

Vratite mi mozak
Još nije kraj

Mama vidi robot, uzmimo ga doma
Ja silno želim da se igram sa njime
Pomalo mali prvo pitaj mamu
Dali joj se sviđa ovaj čovjek bez mozga


Give Me Back My Brain

I've got something urgent to do
I've got things to sort out in my head
I've been wounded too many times
I've got to fix the holes in my head

My brain will drain on the street
Only a wandering body will remain
Guitar strings in my pocket
My body lies in the middle of the road

Give me back my brain
It's not the end yet

Mom, look at the robot, let's take it home
I wanna play with it so bad
Slow down kid, first ask your mom
if she likes this man without brain

09. Kurve establišmenta

Nikad nam neće biti dobro
zato nađi, uništi, istrijebi

Nam sklapa oči
I prekriva nas jebena tama
izgleda protiv
ljudi bez ikakvog srama

Ljudi bez duše i srca
Samo novac otkucaje kuca
Na ekranu piše veliko "još"

Nikad nam neće biti dobro

Nikad neće
Na ovom svijetu biti sreće
Ne izbrišemo sa zemlje
Ljude koji su obično smeće

Govore o poštenju i bogu
Onda uzmu sve šta mogu
Na ekranu piše veliko "još"

Nikad nam neće biti dobro
Zato nađi, uništi, istrijebi


Establishment Whores

Things will never be good
So find, destroy, eradicate

The dark
Closes our eyes
And we are covered with darkness
We got
No chance against
People without shame

People without soul, without heart
Just money keeps ticking
There's a big "more" written on the screen

Things will never be good

There will never
Be happiness on this world
We erase from the earth
The people that are trash

They talk about honest and god
Then they take what they can
There's a big "more" written on the screen

Things will never be good
So find, destroy, eradicate

10. Pseudo-grobar

Dlanovi svrbe, bijes ključa duboko unutra
Zadnja prilika da bježiš
Ne bira sredstva, mrtav ili živ
Kada kaže amen, to je stvarno kraj
Nema povratka, ne radi ekshumacije
Sanja da postaje šef patologije

Smrt je njegov poziv, smrt mu je hrana
Postao je imun na sva ta sranja



Itching palms, rage boiling deep inside
Last chance to run
He doesn't care, dead or alive
When he says amen, it's really the end
No turning back, no exhumation
He's dreaming of becoming chief of pathology

Death is his calling, death is his food
He's immune to all that shit

11. Umjetnost je goli kurac

Preživljavanje je umjetnost ostalo je kurac
Glazba i slikarstvo nisu umjetnost
Analiziranje samoga sebe
Resetiranje trenutnog stanja
Psihijatar za nula kuna
Besplatna socijalna služba

Umjetnost je goli kurac
Više vrijediš kad si mrtav

Ljudi će te slušati nakon smrti
Proučavati tekstove obične budale
Tražiti će značenje tekstova
Odmah da vam kažem tu nema ničega jer
Umjetnost je goli kurac


Art Ain't Dick

Surviving is an art, everything else ain't dick
Music and painting are not art
Analyzing yourself
Resetting the current state
Psychiatrist for free
Free social service

Art ain't dick
You're worth more when you're dead

People will listen to you after death
Analyzing lyrics of a common fool
Scrutinizing over the meaning
I'll tell you right away, there is nothing there cause
Art ain't dick

12. Dodimi mi ruku

Sam u instituciji, napušten od obitelji
Na kraju sam ostao sam
Hej dodakni me, dodirni mi ruku
Da nestane bol

Dodirni mi ruku da nestane bol

Hej kroz staklo gledaš me
Na slušalicu pričaš mi
Ja ne čujem te
Hej ja ne čujem te
Samo 15 minuta imamo da mi
Kažeš šta te boli

Dodirni mi ruku da nestane bol


Touch My Hand

Alone in an institution, abandoned by the family
In the end I stand alone
Hey, touch me, touch my hand
To make the pain go away

Touch my hand to make the pain go away

Hey you're looking at me through the glass
You're talking to me on the phone
I can't hear you
Hey I can't hear you
We've got only 15 minutes for you
To tell me what's hurting you

Touch my hand to make the pain go away