(2018) Wasteland
01. Strah
02. Insane
03. Time's up
04. Wasteland
01. Strah
Bezbrižan život koji vodiš svaki dan,
Uskoro prestaje i dolazi mu kraj!
Nešto se sprema, sve smrdi na strah,
Do jučer mirna noć sad guta te kroz mrak!!
Bojiš se, plašiš za vlastiti život,
Bojiš se jer ne znaš kuda da kreneš,
Svaki tvoj idući korak
Sa sobom nosi rizik uništenog života!
Sad panično bježiš!
Nepoznatim putem ti tražiš izlaz van!
Pod okriljem tame iz paklene noći,
Sablasan krik narušava mir!
Ne znaš ni hoćeš li ostati živ,
Uz odjeke patnje gomila se tvoj strah!
02. Insane
Monsters from hell
They make me feel scared,
I feel they're coming
To take me away!
From outer space
They're all here
And I feel unsafe!!
My life remains
In their fucking hands!
Leave me alone
Don't count on me
Leave me alone
I'm out!!
03. Time's up
Another generation's dying in this place,
A mass of young bodies are left to decay,
Green planet Earth is running to it's end,
Too much closed minds with no needs to revenge!
They serve us shit which we eat when it's warm,
They serve us rotten flesh of hungry, sick and poor,
As long as we believe in their fucking lies,
We build ourselves a future with no chance to survive!
World's growing old
With too many bounds!
Time's up,
This is the final round!
The circle of despair
It seems like bloody hell,
Every day I ask myself
For how long will it last
Your brain is infected
By living in the past,
Suffocate the lies
And you won't regret!
World's growing old
With too many bounds!
Time's up
This is the final round!
Every fucking day
Seems like bloddy hell
Every day I ask myself
For how long will it last
Your brain is infected
By living in the past,
Suffocate the lies
And you won't regret!
04. Wasteland
This is a fucking wasteland
And this is what you get
If you don't subscribe
They're taking you away
It's better for you
To follow all the rules
Respect the Holly book
And believe what they say is true!
It's the wasteland
And you should never come back!
Run from the wasteland
Never, never again!
Their fist striked again
You've ran out of power
If you try to run
You don't have any chance
Don't turn around
Leave them behind
It's always the best
To act deaf and blind!