Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident

(2012) Bruto Slavo / VBK
01. Enemies
02. Music Saves
03. Heroes of Today
04. Against the Opposite
05. Young and Angry Man
06. Bottle in the Mouth
07. Brave Souls
08. Nothing Gold
09. Calvary
10. Peter Pan Syndrome
11. One Book
12. Kinda Like Pegboy, but not that Good
13. Zaboravi
14. Puška ne ubija ljude
15. Moja su koljena umorna od moljenja
01. Enemies
...and even though we’re enemies, I want you around
And every time we fight we bring each other down
I know I’ll never know why, I never knew that much
But I’ll sacrifice that answer for one touch
02. Music Saves
We’re coming back
We’re coming back
We’re still around
Let the music take you
Let the music take you
Down underground, oh
You thought you killed us
You cannot kill us
We love this sound
No apologies
No apologies
Just way of life
I never thought that when I got caught with this music fix
That it will give me a kick for so long
And I thought my heart would just stop
But the void is filled with the drum beat instead
And so we go…
This is me, I’ve been here all along
And I’m singing…
I don’t know any other way than this
Music saves
The music starts and it fills our hearts
And we’ve been fighting all along
Another beer with my friends all near
By my side and here we go
And we don’t need any other shit
Just leave us alone
It’s in my blood like a drug
And I want some more, I just want some more, oh
03. Heroes of Today
This time defense says they won’t take any chances
They'll defend the ones who got blood on their hands
From 20 years ago, now full of cash and gold
Open your eyes
Just how much more you can take
Of this farce that hides
Where real problem lies
We had enough!
It's not that easy
All alone
No, not today
And anyway
We will piss blood, live in the gutter
To feed a hungry mouth
Slowly fading out
We had it!
Last cry for help
What's the cost of life?
What will mother do?
What will father do?
If they can't feed kids
Can't send to school
Make ends meet
Real heroes don't write history
They just try to live with some dignity
…and they've had enough
It's not that easy
All alone
No, not today
And anyway
They will piss blood, live in the gutter
To feed a hungry mouth
Slowly fading out
They had it!
04. Against the Opposite
For the first time I’m born against the opposite
Last time that I will ever think about it
This time this is not just a test
If it is just a test
Then why the pain is in the chest
The truth is the truth
I never even want to think of you
No chance, I’m tired of the narrow view
The fact is a fact
I never want to go back
Because back
This time means a heart attack
I don’t even think about it
This time I’m born against the opposite
It’s the first time that I don’t even think about it
Up against the opposite
For the first time I’m born against the opposite
My friend, you stabbed me in the back and turned the knife
This time this is not just a test
If it is just a test
Then why the pain is in the chest
The truth is the truth
I never even want to think of you
No chance, I’m tired of the narrow view
The fact is a fact
I never want to go back
Because back
This time means a heart attack
I don’t even think about it
This time I’m born against the opposite
It’s the first time that I don’t even think about it
First time, up against the opposite
Last time that I will ever think about it
First time, up against the opposite
Last time that I will ever think about it
Last time, you screwed me for the last time
I got my mind, I’m alive
I don’t even think about it
This time I’m born against the opposite
It’s the first time that I don’t even think about it
Up against the opposite
05. Young and Angry Man
Young and angry men are holding their breath
Before they end up dead
Listening to voices in their heads
Before they end up dead
I try to be perfect
I just close my eyes
And I’m waiting for that moment… to die
Young and angry men are holding their breath
Sit still and bow their heads
Listening to voices in their heads
Before they end up dead
I try to be perfect
I just close my eyes
And I’m waiting for that moment… to die
Who are you and why,
Are you the master of our lives?
This is not the time!
This is not the place, nor time!
I try to be perfect
And I’ll try not to die tonight
06. Bottle in the Mouth
She’s not breathing in
She never thought that her life will pass
And if she’s less than perfect, she isn’t worth it
She never thought that she could disappoint
But if she’s less than perfect, nothing is worth it
She gave up on stars and cars and perfect life and love and kisses
She gave up on dreams and kids and little dogs
She’s barely breathing in
And now she hides behind dead eyes
And from within comes the thought that she won’t win this beating
In her heart was hope
But now it is gone
When he comes along
With another bottle in the mouth
She’s not breathing in
She never thought that her life will pass
And if she’s less than perfect, she isn’t worth it
She never thought that she could disappoint
But if she’s less than perfect, nothing is worth it
She gave up on stars and cars and perfect life and love and kisses
She gave up on dreams and kids and little dogs
She’s barely breathing in
And now she hides behind dead eyes
And from within comes the thought that she won’t win this beating
In her heart was hope
But now it is gone
When he comes along
With another bottle in the mouth
And now she hides behind dead eyes, her swollen eyes
And from within comes the thought that she won’t win this beating
In her heart was hope
But now it is gone
When he comes along
With another bottle in the mouth
07. Brave Souls
Your mother
Curses the day you were born
Your father
Gave you up
Your brothers
Never glanced a look at you
You were haunted like a dog that did wrong
Like an animal
You’re only so lonely
Scared boy
Because brave souls don’t live inside these walls
Born different
Never felt the mother love
Your scars are not on the surface of your skin
They are deep down in the core of your heart
…and now you are marked, boy
You’re only so lonely
Scared boy
Because brave souls don’t live inside these walls
You’re only so lonely
Your death was the only escape
Now there’s gun pressed to your chest
And now you’re losing wind…
08. Nothing Gold
People said that the earth was flat
And that the sun orbits around them
And they say
People say
People say
That one race is superior to others
And they trust in god
Believe in luck
Rely on faith and the government
And they say…
They say that nothing gold will ever vanish
But that is a lie!
I’ve seen it gone
And you and I will turn to ashes
But my love for you will never die
People burned all the woman, man
And they drowned them
Because they said they were witches
And they say
People say
People say
That all wars are fought for the freedom
And they trust in god
Believe in luck
Rely on faith and the government
And they say…
They say that nothing gold will ever vanish
But that is a lie!
I’ve seen it gone
And you and I will turn to ashes
But my love for you will never die
09. Calvary
Don’t call my name
Don’t ask for me
And I will be ok …again
If you find the way to stay away
There will be answers to my prayers
But you said “No way.”
I’m vomiting my blood
I’m addicted to the drugs that I’m prescribed to
You said “That’s just life.”
I’m howling at the moon
I’m lying in the pool of urine back inside my room
Yet this is just a state of mind
That you have left me in
Calvary of my own
And I’m on my own
Don’t ask for me
Don’t call my name
I will be ok …maybe
If you find the way to stay away
There will be answers to my prayers
But you said “No.”
I’m vomiting my blood
I’m addicted to the drugs that I’m prescribed to
But that’s my life
And you said “That’s life.”
Drugs and alcohol
Don’t mix too well at all
And I’ve been staring at the wall
Yet this is just a state of mind
That you have left me in
Calvary of my own
And your heart of stone
Never did a beat for me
I am (alone) on my own
Guess I’ve always been on my own
You’re telling lies
I never got to say goodbye
10. Peter Pan Syndrome
Am I supposed to say what isn’t true?
I’m not cut from that mold
I’m coming clean
It’s my everything
My darkest nights
My lonely fights
My adrenaline
Am I supposed to say what isn’t true?
I’m not cut from that mold
I’m coming clean
It’s just like 16
Head in the clouds
Still hating the cops
I’m never growing up
I’m not growing up
I will never give up
I will hold it in my heart
I’m never growing up
…it’s my everything
And I refuse to stay home, pay and pray
With things to obey and consummate and have to hate
No, I’m not the one
I’m growing down
Like Peter Pan
Am I supposed to say what isn’t true?
I’m not cut from that mold
I’m coming clean
It’s my everything
My darkest nights
My lonely fights
My adrenaline
I’m not growing up
I will never give up
I will hold it in my heart
I’m never growing up
11. One Book
Before I take this stand
Before I use my mind to communicate
Before I call on reason
I’d like to use a different point of view
Not based on faith
And different angle
Before I go away
Away, on my way
Another prison of the mind
Another prison made by the fear of the gods
Will cost you light
And broken heart
These heaven walls
Another perfect storm is on her way
One book
Is not enough
We live
In the age of knowledge
So arm
Yourself with patience
So arm
With curiosity
Because “ignoring” isn’t carved into a one of the stones
It surely isn’t one of god’s creations
You are not a rock that only moves by force and hand of the god
You’re a person with will and demands
Not with tied hands
Without complaints
No, you’re not a stone that only moves by force and hand of the god
You’re a person with will and demands
So raise your hands
And take this chance
12. Kinda Like Pegboy, but not that Good
Waking up and no one’s home
I don’t believe it
I turn my television on
So I don’t feel alone
I’m talking to my dog
Because she can understand me
And just to hear a human voice
Inside these walls
I do these tricks as a day routine
To ease the pain, to not feel a thing
I do my act like I’m born for this
I do my best to hide my tears
…every day I’m pretending
That I don’t miss you at all
That I don’t miss spending nights underneath your armpit
Like a little kid lying down besides his mommy
And that I don’t miss your kiss
…it’s as simple as this
I’m walking slowly
So you won’t know the weight I’m wearing
And I don’t show my face
To reveal the pain I’m bearing with
And I rarely call my friends
It’s kind of a sixth sense
Because they will see my hollow soul
And see through my defense
I do these tricks as a day routine
To ease the pain, to not feel a thing
I do my act like I’m born for this
I do my best to hide my tears
…every day I’m pretending
That I don’t miss you at all
That I don’t miss spending nights underneath your armpit
Like a little kid lying down besides his mommy
And that I don’t miss your kiss
…it’s as simple as this
Pretending that I just don’t see you
When I close my eyes
Pretending that I just don’t hear your voice
When no one is around
Pretending that I don’t remember
The smell of your skin
And every day I am pretending
That I’m not praying
That I don’t miss you at all
That I don’t miss spending nights underneath your armpit
Like a little kid lying down besides his mommy
And that I don’t miss your kiss
…it’s as simple as this
13. Zaboravi
Još samo ostala je prazna slika tvoje sjene
I ruke pune ničega
A oči njene prazne gledaju, kao nikad prije
Moja soba bez tebe, ista nije
I bojim se da je ružan san
Ali znam da nije
Odavno više ne sanjam
Kao skitnica sam
Alkoholom si liječim bol
Ali i nije mi neki plan
Jer krvave zore dočekujem
Izranjavan i sam
I dok vučem misli ulicama
Kao razglednice
Kao filmske sličice
Prolaze tvoje sitnice
I uvuku se pod nokte
Tamo gdje je najgore
Gdje bol ne prestaje
Ja nestajem
Ne zaboravi moje dodire
Ne zaboravi, jer oni govore
Što smo bili mi
14. Puška ne ubija ljude
Đavolje je sjeme
Donijelo nevrijeme
Ne krivi mašine
Zbog njih se ne gine
Tvoj pogled je hladan
Tvoj naum morbidan
Ne čelik, ne krom
Ne mjed, ne olovo
Jer nije istina
I nije isto
S istinom nisi načisto
Nije istina
Novac je moćniji od rata
Od ljubavi, inata
Puška ne ubija ljude!
Nebo se srušilo
Krvlju nas prekrilo
Zazvao si doba
Hladijeg od čelika
Valuta je strah
Smrt, bolest, bijeda, rat
Ne krivi mašine
Zbog njih se ne gine
Jer nije istina
I nije isto
S istinom nisi načisto
Nije istina
Novac je moćniji od rata
Od ljubavi, inata
Puška ne ubija ljude!
To činiš ti i tvoji robovi
15. Moja su koljena umorna od moljenja
Slobodu ti ne poklanjam
Na tebe se ne oslanjam
Jer od klečanja su koljena
Umorna od moljenja
Za sve postoji granica
Moja se čaša prelila
Nakon svih ovih godina
Konačno ja spreman sam novi dan
A zaboravljam da zaboravljam
I da kronično ti opraštam
Skupljam ožiljke od ponižavanja
Sizif sam robovanja
Godine okretanja
Drugog obraza i gaženja
Krojile sve su što sam ja
Ranjena životinja
Novi korak, novi dan
Slobodu ti ne poklanjam
Na tebe se ne oslanjam
Od klečanja su koljena
Umorna od moljenja
Sve ima svoja pravila
Više budala nisam ja
Nakon svih ovih godina
Ja spreman sam za novi dan