Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident

(2002) Fist From East
01. Drowning
03. My Own Thing
04. So Bitter
05. Ordinary Punk Story
06. Hits & Misses
07. Justify Lying
08. Ready To Fight
09. Smiling Right At Our Faces
10. Last Time I Cried
11. Death Or Glory
13. Faraway From Home
14. Farmersko Srce
01. Drowning
I won't promise better days
tomorrow is staring at your face
and it doesn't look good
it's painted black
i think it's worth a struggle to hold on
though everything fails from now on
...i just hope that i'm not wrong
"hope that i won't upset you, but i love you, i'll never forget you" -you wrote
"i won't forget you, but tomorrow i'll go" -is what you wrote
the ramones in my headphones sound too good again
while i'm thinking of
bullet on the heart, gun in the hand,
is this the only way to end?
i don't think i will hold on
"hope that i won't upset you, but i love you, i'll never forget you" -you wrote
i know there's no reason to stay here with us waiting for another day
another day won't come to rescue again, no good morning my friend
03. My Own Thing
you know the truth and you're placing demands
how to sound? what to eat? what to wear?
which places to go?
you're the one to know
what is cool, where should all the punks go
you're preaching today what punks should obey
but tomorrow you'll be so ashamed that you were a punk
but now you are the one acting drunk
and if one is not with you than he must be a fool
because nobody is more punk than you!
i won't act the way told me
even if it costs me the names you'll call me
i've got nothing to prove to you
because you are nothing but a fool
according to you, you always know so much
and everything you touch turns into gold
you're in control
truth is you are nothing in the real world
you are walking around playing "godfather punk"
you think you're someone but you're just a scum
and i'm doing my thing you won't change me
i won't compromise, not a bit
i know why i'm here
because this music is true so fuck you
04. So Bitter
hello nothing, hollow everything!
Today is not my day, today is not my month or year
And it's getting worse, and optimism is on level one
You call it living, i call it surviving
future's only son is dishonour
so lie, cheat, steal or bow your head
brand new class has been born
with distorded system for reckognising right from wrong
shruggin' shoulders and lookin' the other way becomes lesson ?1.
Future's only son is dishonour
So lie, cheat, steal or bow your head
There is nothing i can say, and nothing i can do
I pray for something new
05. Ordinary Punk Story
this time nobody likes you!
this time nobody believes you!
this time i can not trust you!
this time i can not believe you!
this is all i hear, all the time
"i'm so sorry that i'm not a boy that everyone likes"
if you wanna know how the story goes – the real story goes that i'm not sorry
for followin' a different rythm
06. Hits & Misses
"Why the fuck are you drunk again?
Watching football with your friends?
Is TV more important than me?
I'm tired of your shit!"
"leave me alone.
go to your phone,
call all your friends and talk shit"
without you!
I don't need you
Without you!
I know i'll be just fine
Withot you!
I'll be happier without you
Without you!
I'll be happy all the time
"you don't listen to what i say!
you don't notice that i exist!
Well, next time you'd like to do it – just find your fist! "
"i know what you do
when i'm not with you
with other guys...
surprise, surprise! "
but, without you
i don't know if i could get through,
and i'm sorry that we fight all the time
because when you leave, it's all so sad
like suzanne vega songs,
but it's real
you're the one i can't do without
07. Justify Lying
You always have the latest news, but i
Just don't believe you
Popularity seems to be a goal
You're aiming for
But lies are the words you're using
Can't you see it's not as harmless
As you think
You're hurting people
By lying
I don't wanna talk to you, because...
Different roads you ought to go
To satisfy your cheap desires
You don't even know what is that thing
Called "truth"
Because all i see is you
I don't wanna talk to you, because
I don't wanna hear the lies from you
08. Ready To Fight
Let's Go
Hello, hello, hello!
We're alive, are you surprised?
A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!
I know this can't be wrong
Tonight you're not alone
They want us down, facing the ground,
With our hands tied and our mouth shut
But now, tonight
We won't surrender without a fight
I know this can't be wrong
Did you ever felt so strong?
So better start believeing!
Everything is wrong,
I'm gonna fight tonight for my own
Better tomorrow
I'm walking tall, i'm up from the ground
I'm really sick and tired of being pushed around
Waking up in the morning,
With tears in my eyes
I'm not gonna let that happen anymore
I'm ready to fight!
This is our night!
Everything is wrong,
I'm gonna fight tonight for my own
Better tomorrow
...because every day is a struggle
09. Smiling Right At Our Faces
Racist cops walk on the street
"serve", "protect" and break my teeth
criminals they're working for
earn their fortunes in the war
and now they are called heroes
...and i don't understand...
millions of people out of job
wages, homes or will for life
but, you are smiling on TV
making all those promises
that you can't keep
...and i don't understand
why the fuck you show your face
on TV, in the papers
do you have no fuckin' shame
smiling right at our faces
we're sinking more with every day
you lead your politics
you should be one who cares,
but your interest is yourself
10. Last Time I Cried
Last time i cried
You were not here
I'm sorry but...
But, i said my goodbyes
And this time
I'm not gonna be that one
11. Death Or Glory
You try to take us by surprise
But you're falling down
We all know you got wrong reasons
Your act is not to like anyone
just covering your frustration
Little corner in the media you got
And so you think that you're a preacher now
You don't listen, because you're hearing
Too loud yourself, your only friend
Back in the days it used to be so
"death or glory!"
so strong with dignity and heart
but now you, you bring your new philosophy
and it's so different story
who gave you the right to right the wrong
i know you're not so strong
why the fuck you come around if you don't like it
just to step on other people's toes?
If you don't like it – don't listen to it
I's just as simple as that, you hypocrite
Back in the days it used to be so
"death or glory!"
so strong with dignity and heart
but now you bring your new philosophy
and it's so different story
who gave you the right to right the wrong
i know you're not so strong
i know it's not too late...
13. Faraway From Home
Surgically, please remove me
cut off my umbilical cord
and throw me anywhere
so alone
so scared and insecure
and oh, so cold
so far away from home
and everyone has a heart of stone
no, i don't belong
where you want me
i got my own
place where i cry and weep
and you are wrong
if you think you'll change me
no, you won't!
I don't belong here
Hold my hand
And take me any where
I can't stay here
Not another minute
so alone
afraid and insecure
and oh, so cold
so far away from home
and everyone has a heart of stone
no, i don't belong
where you want me
i got my own
place where i cry and weep
and you are wrong
if you think you'll change me
no, you won't!
I don't belong here
14. Farmersko Srce
Moje srce ne zna dalje kucati
ako ne živiš ti
ono ce prestati
ti nisi sam, nisi sama
mi smo uvijek uz tebe
krv je naša tvoje boje,
samo tebe volim, volim te...
i sve me vode uvijek vode prema tebi
i znam da nikad, nikada ,to nece prestati
i sanjam da si još uvijek s nama
da jurišamo kroz noc
i još nocas imamo snage ulice su s nama
i zato dižem ruke, jer ne želim se predati
moje su šake stisnute, zubi stisnuti
i bijelu zastavu ne poznam
moje srce pali je
moje srce koje živi, koje živi samo
za tebe...!!!
znam da sam opet zacaran
i da gubim sve, ali imam tebe
volim te i ne bojim se
a sad idemo
jer ja znam da smo zajedno
ja znam da smo zajedno...