Debeli Precjednik / Fat Prezident

(2016) Godina Majmuna
01. Surrender now
02. Subotom kićo, nedjeljom slabinac
03. Back to the embryo
04. Tomorrow home
05. Zbogom svi
01. Surrender now
My friend, it's insane, she grew bitter, but not better.
I'll admit, she don’t call me names but she's so spite struck,
she can not communicate.
In time there will be answers humoring all them lies.
Will someone give me a chance to get myself through this.
Someone give me an answer! Because I'm running out.
Please give me a chance to surrender now.
No it's not the same since we grew up.
And I can't remember when we got torn apart 'cause i was eating,
baby, out of your hand.
And in time they'll raise a question, and I have no answer.
Time is just a matter of pressure but I can't get through past tense.
Someone give me an answer!
Because I'm running out.
Please give me a chance to surrender now.
Believe, please believe me.
Believe. Because I am a lie.
Someone give me an answer!
Because I'm running out.
Please give me a chance to surrender now.
02. Subotom kićo, nedjeljom slabinac
Ponovo sam. Činim sve da prođe dan.
Zbogom, ostario sam za jedan dan.
Pokušavam zbrojiti misli rasute kao male boginje.
Ali ne ide me...Stopiram život.
Tijelo blokiram. Gadi mi se istina.
Ja ne idem van. Zadnji put, rekao sam zadnji put.
Oba puta uzalud. Ja nemam kuda.
Ja ništa ne razumijem.
I brojim korake da mogao bih se vratiti od bilo gdje.
Ja ništa ne razumijem.
Samo bojim se, kad muzika ne pomaže, sve gotovo je.
Ponovo sam. Činim sve da prođe dan.
Zbogom, ostario sam za jedan dan.
Zadnji put, rekao sam zadnji put.
Oba puta uzalud. Ja nemam kuda.
03. Back to the embryo
Peace for people. Fuck off.
Peace for people. Fuck off.
In every single minute we destroy by pace
that's unacceptable for anyone but human race.
And after all, it's time to crawl back
into the womb and back into the embryo.
To live forever.
What for? To live forever.
What for? Believe in this.
Believe in that.
With your fascist mind.
Your fascist state.
But I could never raise my hand.
No turning back. No second chance.
Believe in god. Believe in fear.
Believe in what you will my dear.
Believe in fate.
In Jesus Christ and every time that
God got mad when he spread poverty and death.
In every single minute we destroy by pace
that's unacceptable for anyone but human race.
And after all, it's time to crawl back into
the womb and back into the embryo. Back to the embryo.
04. Tomorrow home
Alone. Is there anybody else to call his home?
And I don't know is there a soul from where I come from?
But I don't mind. If you're alive, than I'm alive.
Without you every single minute I just wanna get wasted.
Not a goddamn second I can stay in this forsaken place.
Not here. Not now. Not here.
I'm waiting for tomorrow home.
All odds against me as I would die for tomorrow home.
Good bye. So long.
I'm coming home where I belong.
And I don't know is there a sun where I come from?
But I don't mind. If you're alive, than I'm alive.
Without you every single minute I just wanna get wasted.
Not a goddamn second I can stay in this forsaken place.
Not here. Not now. Not here.
I'm waiting for tomorrow home.
All odds against me as I would die for tomorrow home.
Where every radio kills.
Where I got my drinks and my pills.
Where I got time to spill and my nosebleeds.
Where I got violent friends.
We got no money to spend.
And every wound hurts better than another one.
Where I'd die before I'm alive.
Where nothing happens.
Another goddamn phase when she still don't like a thing about me.
I'm gonna burn this fucking place.
But not here. Not now. Not here.
I'm waiting for tomorrow home.
All odds against me as I would die for tomorrow home.
05. Zbogom svi
Odavno više ja ne osjećam strah, moj Tuna.
Odavno više ne bojim se.
Ali ipak, preumoran i očajan da pratim
isti ritam koji me uzima i ubija me.
Zbogom svi. Odlazim.
Zbogom svi. Ne vidim.
Zbogom svi. Ne slušam,
ni ne čujem. Odlazim.
Još uvijek sanjam isti dječački san, moj Tuna.
No nada više ne živi tu.
Ovu su zemlju zarobili i ubili dok zastavu su ljubili.
U nju su se kunuli.
Zbogom svi. Odlazim.
Zbogom svi. Ne vidim.
Zbogom svi. Ne slušam,
ni ne čujem. Odlazim.
Sa ove dvije ruke ja dao sam vam sve.
I nikom više ništa ne dugujem.
Zaboravi na mene u molitvama svim.
Zaboravi, završimo s tim.
Zbogom svi. Odlazim.
Zbogom svi. Ne vidim.
Zbogom svi. Ne slušam,
ni ne čujem. Odlazim.