# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (svi)


(2014) Naše Vreme
01. Bez klasa
02. Niko ne zna da sam lezbejka
03. Nase vreme
04. Imperija zla
05. Siva masa

01. Bez klasa

prazni su nam dzepovi
dok pricamo o slobodi
o borbi za pravdu
ma kuda ovo vodi

jedina pravda u jednakosti se krije
ko to nije shvatio slobode vid'o nije

svet bez nade je ovaj svet klasa
buducnost je zaboravljena izostavljanjem masa

novi svet je svet bez klasa
jedino je moguc delovanjem masa
Without classes

Our pockets are empty
While we speak of freedom
Of fight for justice
Well, where does this lead to?

The only justice is hidden in equality
Who didn’t understand that, hasn’t seen the freedom

The world without hope is this world with classes
The future is forgotten by omission of the masses

The new world is without the classes
It’s only possible by operation of the masses

02. Niko ne zna da sam lezbejka

Sa ratnim herojima na svojim majicama
stize ekipa sa krstom i palicama
lezi na zemlji bespomocni zlotvor
da leci bolesnika stigao je doktor
sa batinom u ruci koja iz raja je izasla
kad vec je tako dobra sto nije tamo ostala

da, lik je peder i skroz je ok
a ti si maco frajer i totalno si gay

gay populacija proizvod je zapada
preko mass media srpsku decu napada
dizi tri prsta jer si na balkanu
u krdu se snadji i nemoj birati stranu
prljave ruke brzo se peru
najglasniji od svih ti postavljaju meru

da, lik je peder i skroz je ok
a ti si maco frajer i totalno si gay
No one knows that I’m a lesbian
With war heroes on their T-shirts,
Comes the crew with a crucifix and bats,
On the ground lies the helpless malefactor,
To cure the patient, here comes the doctor
With stick in his hand, that came out of heaven,
When it was that good, why hasn’t it stayed there?

Yes, the guy is gay, and he’s completely okay
And you’re a macho guy and you’re totally gay

The gay population is the product of the west,
Through mass media the Serbian children it offends
Hold your three fingers ‘cause you’re on the Balkans
Find your way in the herd and don’t choose sides
Filthy hands are quickly washed
The loudest of all are setting up the measures

Yes, the guy is gay, and he’s completely okay,
And you’re a macho guy and you’re totally gay

03. Nase vreme

jos jedan glas ima zelju da se cuje
i pridruzi galami koja sudbinu mu kuje
on ne ostaje kuci da sedi i da psuje
izlazi na ulicu i ucestvuje

u tvojo glavi ti si samo jedan glas
shvati nisi sam i tu nam lezi spas
u tvojo glavi ti si samo jedan glas
shvati nisi sama i tu nam lezi spas

koliko samo treba vremena da prodje
da osecaj da sutra treba novi dan da dodje
nepremostiva su nasa ogranicena svatanja
ako ne idu dalje od pojedinog nadanja

U tvojoj glavi ti si samo jedan glas
Shvati nisi sam i tu nam lezi spas
U tvojoj glavi ti si samo jedan glas
Shvati nisi sama i tu nam lezi spas

sad pogledaj druga svoga
tad svatices da nema moga i tvoga
da je doslo vreme nase
kada oni sto nam sude svoje presude se plase

U tvojoj glavi ti si samo jedan glas
Shvati nisi sam i tu nam lezi spas
U tvojoj glavi ti si samo jedan glas
Shvati nisi sama i tu nam lezi spas
Another voice has a wish to be heard
And joins the army that his destiny has forged
He doesn’t stay at home to sit and curse
He goes out on the streets and participates

In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation
In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation

How much time does it need to pass,
To feel that tomorrow ought to be the new day
Insurmountable are our restricted beliefs
If they don’t move forward from individual hopes

In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation
In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation

Now look at your pall
And realise that there is no mine and yours,
That our time has come
When those who judge us are afraid of their own conviction

In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation
In your head you’re just a single voice
Apprehend you’re not alone, and there lies our salvation

04. Imperija zla

Ja sam tvoj otac i tvoja majka
preduboki san, najlepsa bajka

Ja sam srz uma tvoga
a ti srce sistema moga

radja se plasticna generacija
konzumerskih pacova korporacija
zelja sluge - vudu boga
multinacionale opasna su droga

koren svake imperije zla
ljudska je pohlepa

niska cena, boli glava
al se zivot daje za badava
sve je bljestavo i lepo
zar ti ne deluje slepo

koren svake imperije zla
ljudska je pohlepa

stati na kraj ne moze se tome
jer to je problem u umu tvome
rekao nisam sto nije receno
ali da li je ista ucinjeno

stati na kraj moramo sad tome
jer nije to problem u umu tvome
rekao nisi sto nije receno
ali dali je ista ucinjeno
Evil Empire
I am your father and your mother
The dream too deep, the most beautiful fairy tale

I am the core of your mind
And you’re the heart of my system

The plastic generation is born
The corporation of the consuming rats
The servant’s wish – voodoo God
Multinationals are a dangerous drug

The root of every empire of evil
Is the human greed

Low prices, what a treat !
But the life is given way too cheap
Everything is shiny and pretty
Doesn’t it seem blind to you?

The root of every empire of evil
Is the human greed

The end to it cannot be put
Because that is the problem in the mind of yours
I didn’t say the things unsaid
But has anything been done?

We have to put an end to it now
Because that isn’t the problem in the mind of yours

05. Siva masa

Cas si naci
cas anarhista
a ponekad satanista
pitam se koja ti je
sledeca stanica
bez granica

siva zona

i reces sa osmehom
jednog dana
sve je to normalno
deo odrastanja
a na ramenima ostace
prazna glava
obican saban
bez i jednog stava
Gray Matter
One moment you’re a Nazi,
The other, you’re an anarchist,
A Christian,
And sometimes a Satanist
I wonder which one
Is your next stop
Stupidity with no limits

The grey zone

And you’ll say with a smile
One day
It’s all normal
It’s part of growing up
And on the shoulders remain
An empty head
A plain idiot
With no attitude