# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (svi)

Smrt razuma

(2022) Nova era mraka
01. Intro
02. Carstvo sivila
03. Nova era mraka
04. Bombe naše, žrtve vaše
05. Ograde europske unije
06. Epidemija 21.stoljeća
07. Medijska manipulacija
08. Lomite nam kosti
09. Stid i bol
10. Od kolijevke do groba
11. Krvožder

01. Intro


02. Carstvo sivila

Svojim mrtvim očima, zuriš u mrtvo nebo
Tvoj zeleni planet, prekriven je sivilom

Sve boje su nestale, sav život je ugašen
Sve je nestalo pod debelim slojem asfalta

U carstvu sivila sada ležiš mrtav
U carstvu sivila u carstvu asfalta

Ne osjećaš ništa, ništa osim bijesa
Jer zbog vlastite gluposti sada ležiš mrtav


Realm of greyness

With your dead eyes, you stare at the dead sky
Your green planet it is covered with grayness

All colors are gone, all life is extinguished
It's all gone under a thick layer of asphalt

In the realm of grayness now you're lying dead
In the realm of grayness, in the realm of asphalt

You feel nothing, nothing but anger
Because of your own stupidity now you're lying dead

(When the last plant is dead, cut down or covered in thick layer of concrete – then we will realize how colourless is beneath the ground.)

03. Nova era mraka

Tisuće reklama, milijuni gladnih
Osmijeh lopova, oči ubojice

Laž upakirana u osmijeh, propast u obećanje
Izdaja ljudskih prava, nova era mraka

Tisuće plakata, milijuni sirotinje
Novi lanac sranja, smrt morala

Laž upakirana u osmijeh, propast u obećanje
Izdaja ljudskih prava, nova era mraka


New Era of Darkness

Thousands of ads, millions starving
Smile of thieves, the killer's eyes

A lie wrapped in a smile, a failure in a promise
Betrayal of human rights, new era of darkness

Thousands of posters, millions of the poor
A new chain of bullshit, the death of morality

A lie wrapped in a smile, a failure in a promise
Betrayal of human rights, new era of darkness

(When the human head is fed up with hatred, anger, lies and wrong morals and when all the human rights are violated we're left with nothing but the new era of darkness that is coming up to us.)

04. Bombe naše, žrtve vaše

Proizvodimo, izvozimo, kao na traci prodajemo
U medijima ni slova, tišina je dobra dok se zgrće lova

Za milione eura tisuće nevinih žrtava
Zataškava se istina zbog jebenog profita

Iskopavaj grobove za nevine žrtve
Jedan broji novce, drugi nek broji mrtve

Bombe naše, žrtve vaše
Proizvodimo bombe za žrtve vaše
Bombe naše, žrtve vaše
Krvave su jako ruke naše


Our bombs, your victims

We produce, we export, we sell like in production lines
Not a word in the media, silence is good as the money gathers

For millions of euros thousands of innocent victims
The truth is being covered up for fucking profit

Excavate graves for innocent victims
One counts the money, the other counts the dead

Our bombs, your victims
We make bombs for your victims
Our bombs, your victims
Our hands are bloody too

(This song is dedicated to the Croatian government and also to all European governments that silently manufacture weapons and sell them to the Middle East...Profit before human lives.)

05. Ograde europske unije

Preko mora, kroz šumu do granice
Izginulo na tisuće
Uz patnju i ponižavanje
Po putu narod umire

Kad se dokopaju EU granice
Čekaju ih žileti i ograde
Do slobode se ne može
Svaka nada nestaje

Ograde Europske unije, nitko ući ne može
Ograde Europske unije, bodljikava žica za izbjeglice

U medijima klasično huškanje
Stižu bombaši samoubojice
Silovatelji i propalice
Ljudska glupost ne prestaje

Ograde Europske unije, nitko ući ne može
Ograde Europske unije, bodljikava žica za izbjeglice


EU Fences

Across the sea, through the woods to the border
Thousands have perished
With suffering and humiliation
Along the way they are dying

When they reach the EU borders
Razor blades and fences await them
One cannot reach freedom
All hope disappears

European Union fences, no one can enter
European Union fences, barbed wire for refugees

In the media classic incitement
Suicide bombers are arriving
Rapists and scoundrels
Human stupidity does not cease

European Union fences, no one can enter
European Union fences, barbed wire for refugees

(Refugees welcome, fascist media and fascist states fuck off! NO ONE IS ILLEGAL!)

06. Epidemija 21.stoljeća

Ratovi ne prestaju, krv teče potocima
Mržnja ne popušta, razumijevanja više nema

Epidemija 21.stoljeća

Humanost ne postoji, tišina će nastupiti
Epidemija nam dolazi, globalna smrt će zavladati

Epidemija 21.stoljeća

Humanost ne postoji, tišina će nastupiti
Epidemija nam dolazi, globalna smrt će zavladati

Epidemija 21.stoljeća


Epidemic of 21st century

Wars do not stop, blood flows in streams
Hatred does not subside, there is no understanding anymore

Epidemic of 21st century

There is no humanity, silence will ensue
An epidemic is coming, global death will reign

Epidemic of 21st century

Wars do not stop, blood flows in streams
Hatred does not subside, there is no understanding anymore

(In lack of our common sense and humanity, we're making things even worse by destroying all we're left with bringing ourselves closer to and of all.)

07. Medijska manipulacija

Svaki dan nova vijest
Nova vijest, nova laž
Dnevnik, novine, televizija
Iskrivljena istina

Nepotrebne tenzije, konstantno dizanje panike
Medijska manipulacija, zatrovana nacija

Hrpa dezinformacija
Neprovjerenih špekulacija
Laž na laž, obmana
Cenzurirana istina

Nepotrebne tenzije, konstantno dizanje panike
Medijska manipulacija, zatrovana nacija


Media manipulation

New news every day
New news, new lie
Newscast, papers, television
Twisted truth

Unnecessary tensions, constantly raising panic
Media manipulation, poisoned nation

Pile of misinformation
Unverified speculation
Lie on lie, deception
Censored truth

Unnecessary tensions, constantly raising panic
Media manipulation, poisoned nation

(How to turn people into obedient sheep in 21st century? Use mass media.)

08. Lomite nam kosti

Iz dana u dan, ne date da dišemo
Pričate bajke, vaše laži sišemo
Obmanjujete stalno nebitnim problemima
A narod na ulici kopa po kontejnerima

Lomite nam kosti, pijete nam krv
Slomili ste kosti, sišete nam srž

Smijete se u lice malom čovjeku
Na tuđu nesreću sebi punite vreću
Odlazak na posao za bijedne 3 milje
Dok punite džepove sirotinja vam gine

Lomite nam kosti, pijete nam krv
Slomili ste kosti, sišete nam srž


You're breaking our bones

From day to day, you're not letting us breathe
You talk fairy tales, we suck your lies
You are constantly deceiving us with irrelevant problems
And people on the streets are digging in containers

You're breaking our bones, you're drinking our blood
You broke our bones, you're sucking our marrow

You're laughing in Little Man's face
On someone's calamit you're filling up your sacks
Going to work for a miserable 3k
As you fill your pocket poor people die

You're breaking our bones, you're drinking our blood
You broke our bones, you're sucking our marrow

(Our lives are oppressed by politicians that are in control and we've got served that they want. They try to make from us their puppets on strings that they can control however they like.)

09. Stid i bol

Danas sam vidio starca, vukao je sa sobom vreću
Danas sam vidio starca, bolestan i gladan kopa po smeću

Danas sam vidio bijedu, osjetim bol i stid
Njemu je puno teže, kuća mu je jedan zid

Iz kante izvlači komad kruha, a ja na toplom pišem ovu pjesmu
Kao da ću ulice zagrijati, kao da će slijepci progledati

Danas sam vidio bijedu, osjetim bol i stid
Njemu je puno teže, kuća mu je jedan zid

Opet sam vidio užas, ja osjetim stid i bol
Meni je puno lakše, ja imam za alkohol


Shame and pain

Today I saw an old man, he was dragging a bag with him
Today I saw an old man, sick and hungry digging in the trash

Today I saw misery, I feel pain and shame
It's much harder for him, his house is one wall

He pulls a piece of bread out of the bin, and I'm writting this song in warmth of my home
As if I will heat the streets, as if the blind would see

Today I saw misery, I feel pain and shame
It's much harder for him, his house is one wall

I saw horror again, I felt shame and pain
It's a lot easier for me, I have for alcohol

(Homelessness is still one of the biggest problems in the world, when you see a homeless person on the street try to help, do not turn your head away.)

10. Od kolijevke do groba

Pljačkaš tvoj, pošteno ti sudi
Zna zakon keša, zna zakon ljudi
Kaže, ko mrav si bio, dok te nije orobio

Ubojica tvoj, opelo ti gudi
Zna zakon leša, zna zakon ljudi
Kaže, ko janje si bio, dok te nije ubio

Od kolijevke pa do groba
Samo nek je puna torba
A opljačkani, a ubijeni
Ma zavist i zloba


From the cradle to the grave

Your robber, judges you fairly
He knows the law of cash, he knows the law of people
He says, you were like a little ant, until he robbed you

Your killer, is playing you a requiem
He knows the law of a corpse, he knows the law of people
He says, you were like a lamb, until he killed you

From the cradle to the grave
Just keep a full bag
Robbed and killed
Envy and malice

(For our noble causes many innocent died but all those deaths were never in vain.)

11. Krvožder

Na svoj lik čovjek stvori
Onog što sa svjetlom stiže
Sve ljudsko da pokori
U pobjedi stijeg svoj diže

Krik ostavlja okus gorak
Misao živi posljednji čas
Grize lice truleži strah
I bol mu je zadnji glas

Grob će dati stvorenju smiraj
Sljepoćom hrani ljepotu i sjaj
Od života postat će ništa
Ne ostaje sem vječni kraj



To his image man creates
The one who comes with the light
All human to subdue
In victory to raise his banner

The scream leaves a bitter taste
Thought lives the last hour
Fear bites the face of rot
And pain is his final voice

Grave will give the creature peace
It feeds beauty and splendor with blindness
From life it will become nothing
There remains nothing but eternal place

(Rotting in our own ever evolving greed, we became our worst enemy - we are the end.)