Vrisak Generacije

(2002) Friendshit
01. My town
02. Jutarnja
05. Forever fight
06. No need
07. Clouds in my mind
08. Go fuck yourself
01. My town
All my life I am living here
Playing Punk and drinking beer.
I love my town with all my heart
Living peaceful with no fear.
For my town,
For my town
I am singing my friend!
For my town,
For my town
I am playing 'till the end!
02. Jutarnja
U praskozorje gledam.
Da li ja sam grešan
što neću da se predam
životu da me nosi?
Bol sebi stvaram.
Dušu svoju param.
I opet na početku sam.
Gazila me zemlja, gazili me ljudi!
Zaboravih šta je život pravi.
Zaboravih na sebe i to me sada čudi!
Zaboravih kako ljubav se daje.
Zaboravih dobroda šta je.
Prijatelji šta su,
Jutros mi se ne ustaje
05. Forever fight
A long time ago when we were kids
All day long we've been on the street's
Seeking for libery and justice for all
Living street life and nobody fall.
Forever I'm fighting
Forever my friend
Forever I'm fighting
Forever my friend
Until the end!
So many years is passing by me
I am still in fight, cause I'm not free
I am lonely boy and those fights are mine
I am a rebel until I die!
06. No need
I don't want to hear about your family
I don't want to know about your destiny.
I don't want to tell me anything.
I don't need your problem's to be mine, honestly.
I don't want to see you again
I don't want to hear you again
I don't want to meet you again.
I don't need
Anything from you!
07. Clouds in my mind
I'm not sure about you
About me what you think
And what are you want from me to do?
All what you say is very stink.
Clouds in my mind
It's not really kind (of you)
But I am not going down!
I am still not sure about you
But one thing I know.
You never bring me down.
Now game is over and your show.
08. Go fuck yourself
Don't tell me you are sorry
coz you are not.
I don't want to see you again
coz you are scum
All your credit's you ave spent
It's your trend
Go fuck yourself!
Don't tell me you are sorry
coz you are not.
I don't want to see you again
coz you are a fucking cunt